Elsa Doctor Fashion

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L.chơi 311
Tải 519
D.lượng 3.35 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Elsa is, as you've already known, one of the best, the most beautiful and awesome Disney princess and Queen that you've ever met. First of all, you...

Elsa is, as you've already known, one of the best, the most beautiful and awesome Disney princess and Queen that you've ever met. First of all, you have to know that in her free time, she is doing voluteering at the local hospital from the Ice Kingdom and she is trying to help as many patients as she can so she is a kind of hero! Remember that she really loves what she is doing but there is one problem, because she doesn't have the necessary outfit for this kind of challenge, and this means a lot in this domain. So here it comes your mission, because Elsa really needs a fashion adviser for this dress up challenge so use the mouse in order to pick up only the best and the greatest clothes for her, in order to impress the other people but especially to make the patients be better only when they see Elsa. Jack is her patient today so she need to impress him! Use the mouse to mix all the possible medical outfits and pick up the perfect mix which is making together the greatest doctor outfit. Good luck and have a lot of fun while you are playing this such a great and amazing game, brought by our special gaming site only and just for you!

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