Heist 2

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L.chơi 888
Tải 548
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Picking out talented specialists isn’t the hardest part, it’s getting away with all that gold. Push your management and game play skills...

Picking out talented specialists isn’t the hardest part, it’s getting away with all that gold. Push your management and game play skills to the limit and earn a whopping 5 million credits to win the game.

Hire various criminals, give them a strong firepower, organize your troops, and go rob a bank in this simulation game – The Heist 2! Take note of each individual’s specialties and use their skills accordingly.

The Heist 2 brings a lot of improvement from its previous title including more missions, more control over your gang, more high speed pursuits, and of course more weapons. Organize your group and steal some money from local stores, malls, and banks. The game is separated into three phases: The planning phase where you get ready for your next crime, the stealing phase, the actual shooting and stealing takes place here but you can’t do anything but watch, and the high speed car pursuit where you can actually drive the car and flee. As they say, if you have some free time, then feel free to do some crime.

Have fun! As always, good luck and Have Fun!

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