Monster High Sorority House

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L.chơi 905
Tải 518
D.lượng 3.52 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
The club Monster High is a few girls who want to keep abreast of what is happening, to discuss the latest news. Therefore, they need to create their...

The club Monster High is a few girls who want to keep abreast of what is happening, to discuss the latest news. Therefore, they need to create their own community, where they will not accept anyone stranger. To them no one interfered, the girl decided to find a place for your company. The game Monster High Sorority House you will see what a horrible mess they have found a home for the community. They need help in cleaning. Each girl distribute tasks on Home Improvement. First, to be a lot of repairs. Drakulaura can pick up a hammer and fix the house from the outside, if you send it. Also with the other monsters - show them the place that needs repair or cleaning. And finally, trim the lawn with them. When the house will shine, you can embellish it a little. Take care of the most important - the emblem of sorority girls from Monster High games: a house for the women's community. They have a lot of colors, so you can even paint the grass near the house. Game Monster High: house for female community is perfect for a mobile phone in this format. Therefore, you can always just take your time in traffic or bus. Monster High Girls love everything pink and lilac, try to take into account their tastes, so it was nice to be in the home community. You will feel like a real builder who supervises others and himself while sitting on the couch. But thanks to this girl will be able to learn a lot of useful information in the walls of their community.

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