Love Hina Sim Date Rpg

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L.chơi 679
Tải 554
D.lượng 3.35 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 620
Cao 380
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Practice getting a date with Love Hina characters. Meet girls, talk to the, make them like you. Love Hina Sim Date RPG is based on the popular...

Practice getting a date with Love Hina characters. Meet girls, talk to the, make them like you. Love Hina Sim Date RPG is based on the popular Japanese animations Love Hina tv show. Begin by choosing the name for the main protagonist and allocate the available 40 points into age, power, intelligence, and magic levels. The main goal is to get one Hina girl to fall for you and become your girlfriend and your Valentine’s date. Try to gain as much money and experience level as possible.

Phím đ.khiển
left mouse to play.
Space key to start.

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