Ice Age Sid Sloth Love

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L.chơi 539
Tải 521
D.lượng 2.14 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
In Ice Age, there is one sloth called Sid. One day he met one beautiful female sloth and fell in love at the first sight. But the lady sloth rejected...

In Ice Age, there is one sloth called Sid. One day he met one beautiful female sloth and fell in love at the first sight. But the lady sloth rejected him because he is so dirty. Sid is so sad and decides to change himself. Come to give him a favor and join in our brand new game. Firstly, use our given tools to give a shower for Sid Sloth to make him clean. Then you need to catch those worms on his body. After that, come to clean his nose and eyes deeply. Secondly, use the hammer to help Sid make a shining ring for lady sloth and use the magic to let her love Sid. At last help them dress up with nice clothes and accessories. Have fun.

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