Sushi Cat 6: Storycraft World Creator (April Fools)

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L.chơi 1655
Tải 632
D.lượng 404.54 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 550
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
After almost a year in development Armor Games is proud to announce "Sushi Cat: StoryCraft World Creator", an online world of unlimited potential...

After almost a year in development Armor Games is proud to announce "Sushi Cat: StoryCraft World Creator", an online world of unlimited potential. 

Explore a beautiful universe of sushi, monsters, mining, building and crafting. Trade with other players to amass a fortune, explore vast deserts and deep oceans or build a castle made entirely of sushi - the choice is yours! Be whoever you want to be in a world where your only limitation is your imagination!

Please note: We know that there is a significant load time. Please be patient, the long load will only happen the first time you play the game. Please stick with it, we promise it will be worth the wait :) Play the mini-game in the mean time and see how many sushi you can collect.


Ok, who am I kidding? It's just an April Fools joke for a supposed MMORPG for Sushi Cat called Sushi Cat 6. It does not exist, and all you can do is click on sushi to feed the cat directly. It does NOT load, as there is nothing to load. It's only 400 KB. I would love more Sushi Cat games though.

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Left mouse to play.

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