Sara's Super Spa

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L.chơi 10882
Tải 193
D.lượng 1.1 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 3
Mô tả
Guide Sara to making her spa a mega success! Be quick to put clients at their appropriate stations and do their requested treatments on time. Make...

Guide Sara to making her spa a mega success! Be quick to put clients at their appropriate stations and do their requested treatments on time. Make them happy before time runs out to earn big money. You'll have to be careful though: if they aren't satisfied, they'll leave without paying a dime. Attain each day's goal to get yourself to the next level- a more challenging one that is. This game features 20 fast-moving levels, 19 services to perform, a customizable spa, and employees to hire. Indulgence in Sara's Super Spa is hair-raising excitement!

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