Strategy Defense Hacked

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L.chơi 286
Tải 447
D.lượng 5.72 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Hacked: Press 1 - +100 money (NOTE: refresh the shop to see), 2 - instant heal, 3 - full ammo, 4 - full magic, 5 - level up in the next attack, 6 -...

Hacked: Press 1 - +100 money (NOTE: refresh the shop to see), 2 - instant heal, 3 - full ammo, 4 - full magic, 5 - level up in the next attack, 6 - +1 of each item, 7 - +100 total health, 8 - attack or move again.

Once upon a time there were two kingdoms, Doven and Dogfire. Dogfire expanded their territory and destryed all the villages of doven Most of the Doven kingdom army was killedand the king of Doven, named Fayla, ran into the Dark forest, powerless and without soldiersor without guards to protect him. His wife and children and the Doven General were imprisoned at the Icegreen Island. But Fayla was not hopeless. There was one last warrior, named undefined, from the Doven kingdom who had intelligence and strength and many talents. King Fayla ordered undefined to rescue his family and destroy all the enemies at the land of Doven.

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