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Lỗi Game
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L.chơi 88
Tải 1
M.rộng .HTML5
Rộng 600
Cao 800
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Suika Online in English, is a Fruit Puzzle or Tetris game. In the Suika Watermelon Game, Players must stack Watermelons, Melons, Pineapples, and...

Suika Online in English, is a Fruit Puzzle or Tetris game. In the Suika Watermelon Game, Players must stack Watermelons, Melons, Pineapples, and other fruits in a box so that they do not cross the line at the top of the field. Fruits of the same kind can be combined to evolve into a larger fruit, which multiplies the player's score. The largest fruit that can be achieved is the Watermelon, and the goal of the game is to aim for the highest possible score before the box is full. Your aim should be to get a Watermelon by combining all the fruits.

Phím đ.khiển
Use mouse to play.

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