Super Mario 63 (2012 Version)

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L.chơi 2282
Tải 571
D.lượng 14.59 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 450
Cao 300
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
KNOWN ISSUES: Game cannot be completed as of 7-1-2023. Ruffle does not allow you to proceed at the final boss, and WAFlash does not allow you to...

KNOWN ISSUES: Game cannot be completed as of 7-1-2023. Ruffle does not allow you to proceed at the final boss, and WAFlash does not allow you to proceed at the first Bowser fight. Please download a browser that supports Flash like this one or this one. Alternatively, click the link below to download the game to play it locally.


Super Mario 63 is a fan-game inspired by Nintendo's Super Mario 64. Many levels and features are based upon it and other of Nintendo's games, but a variety of them are completely original. Among them include a detailed storyline, ability to play as Luigi, a highly customizable Level Designer with sharable codes, three different FLUDD Power-ups, four different power-caps, and 64 Shine Sprites & 64 Star Coins to collect.

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
Z key talk/read the news.
X key to Spin.
C key to hover upwards.
Shift key to switch.

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