Super Mario Bros Nes

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L.chơi 1239
Tải 531
D.lượng 976.56 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 586
Cao 448
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Take a step down to memory lane and enjoy the classic game! Play as the adventurous plumber and take on Bowser to save the princess in Super Mario...

Take a step down to memory lane and enjoy the classic game! Play as the adventurous plumber and take on Bowser to save the princess in Super Mario Bros. Jump from platform to platform, stomp on the enemies, and get various power-up in your quest to rescue Princess Toadstool!
Super Mario Bros. is among the most popular Mario titles created and released on the Nintendo Entertainment System back in the 1980s. Published on 1985, this game follows Mario and his brother Luigi as they try to rescue the Princess who has been kidnapped by a vile lizard king and defeat Bowser who wants to take over Dinosaur Land again. Super Mario Bros. was the best-selling video game of all time and has spawned many sequels, spin-offs, and ROM hacks. Have fun!

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.

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