War Heroes France 1944

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L.chơi 3102
Tải 503
D.lượng 22.05 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 750
Cao 410
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
This will take you back to the dangerous year of 1944 where France is at war! You can choose between 3 cool modes, Campaign, where you will do...

This will take you back to the dangerous year of 1944 where France is at war! You can choose between 3 cool modes, Campaign, where you will do missions. Freeplay, where you can choose between TDM, DOM and DEMO. And of course the Zombie mode which everyone loves! Different Maps and different soldiers to choose from!

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys or WASD keys to move.
R key to reload.
Q key to swap gun.
F key to pick up gun.
SPACE key to throw equipment.
SHIFT key to sprint.
C key to crouch.

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