Baby Barbie Hobbies Face Painting

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L.chơi 505
Tải 493
D.lượng 774.01 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
We are very happy that you are back here on games-kids.com, because dear friends we are trying to bring for you the newest, the most interesting and...

We are very happy that you are back here on games-kids.com, because dear friends we are trying to bring for you the newest, the most interesting and the funniest games that you can play with all your friends. Today, we have prepared for you a new online game from the Barbie games category, in which we are sure that you will have a lto of fun. In this game, you dear friends will have to be very creative, because even dough Barbie is just a baby, she will want to become a modern little girl, so you will have to make sure that you can help her have a lot of special face paintings that she can wear. You will have to come out with different types of paintings and you will have to make sure that you will use a lot of of colors, and so baby Barbie will be very happy, and that she will return here on games-kids.com with more interesting and more fun games for you to play, in which you will see that Barbie will return with more friends for you to meet with. Have fun!

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