Runway Studio Real Life Barbie Challenge

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L.chơi 390
Tải 518
D.lượng 5.43 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
In this challenging Runway Studio you are the fashion designer and you need to make you model look like a real fashion doll. This isn't an easy game!...

In this challenging Runway Studio you are the fashion designer and you need to make you model look like a real fashion doll. This isn't an easy game! Take your time and follow the instructions! You have some starting money to complete the task. If you win, you get more money the next time! You can then buy better looking fabrics! Tip: You can also make the game easier by playing with a mentor who will help you along the way.

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Left mouse to play.

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