Baby Hazel Chauffeur Dress

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L.chơi 63
Tải 297
D.lượng 1.11 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 700
Cao 550
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Baby Hazel is too excited to participate in fancy dress competition held at her school. To dress up as per Birds And Animals-themed competition,...

Baby Hazel is too excited to participate in fancy dress competition held at her school. To dress up as per Birds And Animals-themed competition, Hazel decides to look cute in peacock costume. Help mom and Hazel to purchase the necessities required for designing the costume. Then help them in tailoring the peacock costumes and making related accessories. Lastly, get Hazel ready for the competition. And yes, don't miss to watch a play enacted by kids to convey an important message!

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left mouse to play.

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