Fix Ice Cream Car

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L.chơi 460
Tải 509
D.lượng 4.79 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
This summer could be hotter because our dear ice cream car is broken, so would you take a look and fix it? A new range of awesome car game is here...

This summer could be hotter because our dear ice cream car is broken, so would you take a look and fix it? A new range of awesome car game is here for you, so check it out, follow the hints and have lots of fun fixing the ice cream car. Get it on the platform and repair all that is broken, remove the nail from the tire with the pliers, patch it and inflate the wheels, redress the bent door, and repair all the ugly scratches with paint. After you have reconditioned the truck, make it shine with a good wash up and remove the dirt from the windshield with the wiper. Take care of our beloved ice cream car and enjoy the best summer with delicious ice creams

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