Fio's Adventure: The Crimson Items

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L.chơi 217
Tải 383
D.lượng 3.01 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 469
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Fio, a cute girl from the village, wants to go on an important mission to gather crimson items. But before doing that, she has to pass a test! In...

Fio, a cute girl from the village, wants to go on an important mission to gather crimson items. But before doing that, she has to pass a test! In Fio's Adventure: The Crimson Items, you need to help her to pass that test and prove her worthiness. Then, go back to take the main mission from the guild center. Explore various caves and beautiful floating lands. There are enemies and obstacles that you have to avoid on the journey.

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