Square Meal

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L.chơi 45526
Tải 659
D.lượng 1.16 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 640
Đ.giá 1
Mô tả
Square Meal, which is a game unlike anything else you played before on our website, so we hope that you are ready for a new and awesome experience,...

Square Meal, which is a game unlike anything else you played before on our website, so we hope that you are ready for a new and awesome experience, which is what we want to offer all of the visitors on our website, all of the time. Because you did not play games like Square Meal before, let's teach you how it works in this next part of the description! You have to clear each level of all enemies, and escape the dungeon.

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
Space key to eat.

WASD keys to move.
CTRL key to eat.
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