Stealing The Diamond

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L.chơi 1468
Tải 548
D.lượng 13.91 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 650
Cao 410
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Stealing The Diamond is another in a series of amazing stick figure adventure games. In Stealing The Diamond, you guessed it; you try to steal a...

Stealing The Diamond is another in a series of amazing stick figure adventure games. In Stealing The Diamond, you guessed it; you try to steal a diamond! An extremely large diamond at that! You have choices to make in your quest for theft! Will you rush in and risk everything or try to sneak your way to your prize? Whatever you decide, be careful as one wrong move will leave you without a diamond and maybe even less! Do you have what it takes to pull off the diamond heist and make it out alive? If you like this game, make sure to also try out Fleeing the Complex, the last game in the Henry Stickmin series!

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