Stickman Sam

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L.chơi 1010
Tải 582
D.lượng 678.03 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 440
Cao 320
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
The Stickman Sam series of games is created by Istvan Orosi of io3creations and sponsored by Crazy Monkey Games. Gamers all over the world enjoy...

The Stickman Sam series of games is created by Istvan Orosi of io3creations and sponsored by Crazy Monkey Games. Gamers all over the world enjoy these games' unique blend of action, humour, and storyline. The games start with Sam's first training missions and continue to follow his exploits as the "pink communicator" sends him on all sorts of crazy missions. As the series progresses Sam's skills improve and he learns many new techniques from acrobatic rolling, climbing, and hanging, to lock picking and grenade throwing!

Phím đ.khiển
WASD keys to jump.
E key to next weapon.
Q key to previous weapon.
Left mouse to Aim/shoot.
P key to pause.
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