Bad Ice Cream 3

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L.chơi 5474
Tải 674
D.lượng 3.1 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 600
Cao 600
Đ.giá 2
Mô tả
Bad Ice-Cream 3 is a 2-player puzzle game developed by Nitrome on 11 December 2013. Bad Ice-Cream 3 lets you play as a vanilla, chocolate, or...

Bad Ice-Cream 3 is a 2-player puzzle game developed by Nitrome on 11 December 2013. Bad Ice-Cream 3 lets you play as a vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry flavored frozen treat that tries to consume fruits in each of the stages. You will face hungry animals and monsters in 40 cold, icy but entertaining levels. Use your ice-breaking powers to smash blocks of ice or create your own icy barriers for protection. Go ahead, eat all the fruits!

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
Space key to freeze or break ice.

WASD keys to move.
F key to freeze or break ice.

Left mouse to select.
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