Escape From Bear Warrior

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L.chơi 336
Tải 509
D.lượng 2.12 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 480
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Games2Jolly-Escape From Bear Warrior is a point and click escape game from games2jolly family Human kingdom and animal kingdom are neighboring...

Games2Jolly-Escape From Bear Warrior is a point and click escape game from games2jolly family Human kingdom and animal kingdom are neighboring Kingdoms. Those two kingdoms are enemies, they fight each other all the Time. The animal kingdom kidnapped the princess of human kingdom and locked her in a castle as hostage with bear warriors as guards. Rescue the princess by getting past those bears. Find something useful to knock out those bears. Good luck...

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Left mouse to play.

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